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Summoners War Rune Builder is a build guide tool and community for Summoners War, an online turn based game.

SW fans are encouraged to add and explore our list of user gererated character build to share or enhance their strategy.

Learn new, effective and winning build from the best players.

Summoners War is a game where the player can setup his own team to fight against player of the whole world.

While playing, summoners earn new runes and new characters to improve their team and help them become stronger.

Victory is all about having the best combination of teams and runes, so join us to share and improve your experience !

Latest Builds

Lushen (Wind Joker)

Legend Lushen: CD Prio

By Haaan_SW

Lushen (Wind Joker)

32 0

Leo (Wind Dragon Knight)

Rare Leo (Grind): ATK/CD/HP

By Haaan_SW

Leo (Wind Dragon Knight)

43 0

Leo (Wind Dragon Knight)

Legend Leo (Grind): ATK/CD/HP

By Haaan_SW

Leo (Wind Dragon Knight)

34 0

Leo (Wind Dragon Knight)

Legend Leo: ATK/CD/HP

By Haaan_SW

Leo (Wind Dragon Knight)

29 0

Leo (Wind Dragon Knight)

Hero Leo: ATK/CD/HP

By Haaan_SW

Leo (Wind Dragon Knight)

27 0

Leo (Wind Dragon Knight)

Rare Leo (Grind): ATK/CD/HP

By Haaan_SW

Leo (Wind Dragon Knight)

28 0

Leo (Wind Dragon Knight)

Rare Leo: ATK/CD/HP

By Haaan_SW

Leo (Wind Dragon Knight)

28 0

Gina 2A (Dark Mystic Witch)

Gina 2A

By Axel

Gina 2A (Dark Mystic Witch)

55 0

Lapis (Water Magic Knight)


By niklas5665

Lapis (Water Magic Knight)

132 2

Shi Hou (Water Monkey King)

Summmoners war

By Muhammad

Shi Hou (Water Monkey King)

66 0

Chandra (Water Beast Monk)

Perfect Chandra - Theory Crafting

By FractalParadox

Chandra (Water Beast Monk)

143 0

570RM (Wind Hacker)

_/ 570rm

By 1*2*3*4*5*

570RM (Wind Hacker)

147 1

GingerBrave Wind (Wind GingerBrave)


By Tworune

GingerBrave Wind (Wind GingerBrave)

87 0

Bayek Wind (Wind Bayek)

_/ bayek

By 1*2*3*4*5*

Bayek Wind (Wind Bayek)

100 0

Mephisto (Wind Demon)

_/ mephisto

By 1*2*3*4*5*

Mephisto (Wind Demon)

139 0

RYU Wind (Wind RYU)

_/ ryu

By 1*2*3*4*5*

RYU Wind (Wind RYU)

92 0

Colleen 2A (Fire Harpu)

Colleen 2A - Necro

By Axel

Colleen 2A (Fire Harpu)

130 0

Seren 2A (Dark Harpu)

Seren 2A - Necro

By Axel

Seren 2A (Dark Harpu)

158 0

Feng Yan (Wind Panda Warrior)

_/ feng yan

By 1*2*3*4*5*

Feng Yan (Wind Panda Warrior)

110 0

Louise (Wind Paladin)

_/ louise

By 1*2*3*4*5*

Louise (Wind Paladin)

82 0

Hathor (Wind Desert Queen)

_/ hathor

By 1*2*3*4*5*

Hathor (Wind Desert Queen)

75 0

Preferred Builds

Kro 2A (Dark Inugami)

Kro Perfect

By Pulgaza

Kro 2A (Dark Inugami)

11.5K 12

Seara (Wind Oracle)

Ideal High Speed Tanky Seara

By skylimite

Seara (Wind Oracle)

12.2K 12

Verdehile (Fire Vampire)


By Sgnafgna

Verdehile (Fire Vampire)

14.1K 8

Fran (Light Fairy Queen)

Perfect Fran

By Pulgaza

Fran (Light Fairy Queen)

7.8K 8

Baleygr (Fire Lightning Emperor)


By kuro

Baleygr (Fire Lightning Emperor)

51.7K 8

Vigor 2A (Water Werewolf)


By dragonvb

Vigor 2A (Water Werewolf)

3.9K 7

Veromos (Dark Ifrit)

Veromos Perfect

By Pulgaza

Veromos (Dark Ifrit)

3.2K 5

Raoq 2A (Fire Inugami)

Raoq Perfect

By Pulgaza

Raoq 2A (Fire Inugami)

4.3K 5

Icaru 2A (Water Inugami)

Verde tricaru

By Aleoran

Icaru 2A (Water Inugami)

19.6K 5

Most Viewed Builds

Baleygr (Fire Lightning Emperor)


By kuro

Baleygr (Fire Lightning Emperor)

51.7K 8

Icaru 2A (Water Inugami)

Verde tricaru

By Aleoran

Icaru 2A (Water Inugami)

19.6K 5

Lyn (Light Amazon)

Min. Status GB12

By hakhenaton

Lyn (Light Amazon)

14.4K 1

Verdehile (Fire Vampire)


By Sgnafgna

Verdehile (Fire Vampire)

14.1K 8

Icaru 2A (Water Inugami)

84 Icaru(db12)

By eshabboz

Icaru 2A (Water Inugami)

12.4K 0

Seara (Wind Oracle)

Ideal High Speed Tanky Seara

By skylimite

Seara (Wind Oracle)

12.2K 12

Kro 2A (Dark Inugami)

Kro Perfect

By Pulgaza

Kro 2A (Dark Inugami)

11.5K 12

Baleygr (Fire Lightning Emperor)


By IIkazumiII

Baleygr (Fire Lightning Emperor)

11.2K 0

Kro 2A (Dark Inugami)

Min. Status GB12

By hakhenaton

Kro 2A (Dark Inugami)

9K 3

Lushen (Wind Joker)

Lushen GB10/RBeasts

By trumpet123

Lushen (Wind Joker)

8.9K 3